40 cfr 63 subpart vvvvvv
40 cfr 63 subpart vvvvvv

40 cfr 63 subpart vvvvvv

The report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the report is submitted. You must use the appropriate electronic report template on the CEDRI website ( ) for this subpart. (d ) If you are required to submit reports following the procedure specified in this paragraph (d), beginning on September 16, 2020, you must submit all subsequent reports to the EPA via CEDRI, which can be accessed through the EPA's CDX ( ). M TG = Mass of tooling gel coat used in the past 12 months, megagrams. PV TG = Weighted-average MACT model point value for tooling gel coat used in the past 12 months, kilograms per megagram. M TR = Mass of tooling resin used in the past 12 months, megagrams. PV TR = Weighted-average MACT model point value for tooling resin used in the past 12 months, kilograms per megagram. M CG = Mass of clear gel coat used in the past 12 months, megagrams. PV CG = Weighted-average MACT model point value for clear gel coat used in the past 12 months, kilograms per megagram. M PG = Mass of pigmented gel coat used in the past 12 months, megagrams. PV PG = Weighted-average MACT model point value for pigmented gel coat used in the past 12 months, kilograms per megagram. M R = Mass of production resin used in the past 12 months, megagrams. PV R = Weighted-average MACT model point value for production resin used in the past 12 months, kilograms per megagram. HAP emissions= Organic HAP emissions calculated using MACT model point values for each operation included in the average, kilograms. Operating Limits if Using an Add-on Control Device for Open Molding Operationsĭefault Organic HAP Contents of Solvents and Solvent Blendsĭefault Organic HAP Contents of Petroleum Solvent GroupsĪpplicability and Timing of NotificationsĪpplicability of General Provisions (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart A) to Subpart VVVV MACT Model Point Value Formulas for Open Molding Operations 1 Who implements and enforces this subpart?Ĭompliance Dates for New and Existing Boat Manufacturing FacilitiesĪlternative Organic HAP Content Requirements for Open Molding Resin and Gel Coat Operations What parts of the General Provisions apply to me? In what form and for how long must I keep my records? What notifications must I submit and when? How do I determine the organic HAP content of materials? Methods for Determining Hazardous Air Pollutant Content How do I demonstrate compliance with the aluminum recreational boat surface coating spray gun cleaning work practice standards? How do I calculate the combined organic HAP content of aluminum wipedown solvents and aluminum recreational boat surface coatings? How do I calculate the organic HAP content of aluminum recreational boat surface coatings? How do I calculate the organic HAP content of aluminum wipedown solvents? How do I demonstrate compliance with the emission limits for aluminum wipedown solvents and aluminum coatings? What standards must I meet for aluminum recreational boat surface coating operations? Standards for Aluminum Recreational Boat Surface Coating Operations What emission limit must I meet for carpet and fabric adhesive operations? Standards for Carpet and Fabric Adhesive Operations How do I demonstrate compliance with the resin and gel coat application equipment cleaning standards? What standards must I meet for resin and gel coat application equipment cleaning operations? Standards for Resin and Gel Coat Application Equipment Cleaning Operations What standards must I meet for resin and gel coat mixing operations? Standards for Resin and Gel Coat Mixing Operations What standards must I meet for closed molding resin operations? Standards for Closed Molding Resin Operations What are the requirements for monitoring and demonstrating continuous compliance? How do I use the performance test data to demonstrate initial compliance? How do I demonstrate compliance if I use filled resins?ĭemonstrating Compliance for Open Molding Operations Controlled by Add-on Control Devices How do I demonstrate compliance using compliant materials? How do I demonstrate compliance using emissions averaging? What is an implementation plan for open molding operations and when do I need to prepare one?

40 cfr 63 subpart vvvvvv

What are the general requirements for complying with the open molding emission limit? What are my options for complying with the open molding emission limit? What emission limit must I meet for open molding resin and gel coat operations? Standards for Open Molding Resin and Gel Coat Operations How do I know if my boat manufacturing facility is a new source or an existing source? What parts of my facility are covered by this subpart? How do I demonstrate that my facility is not a major source? National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Boat Manufacturing

40 cfr 63 subpart vvvvvv